Family Holidays in Sydney on a Budget.

We’ve just come across this great article about holidaying around the Sydney area.Sydney Camping

We all know how expensive it can be visiting Sydney but it doesn’t have to be and one of the many ways to spend a family holiday is camping. There are many holiday parks in Sydney and this article gives the lowdown on 21 sites in and around the city.

Enjoy your holiday visiting this fabulous city.


What Do Your Customers Want?

Hey – we’ve done it.

After asking our clients and visitors what they would like, we launched our new website on 4 January 2017.

Take a look here and tell us what you think.

Thank you

Why Are We Changing?

To help small adventure and travel businesses in an industry dominated by big business.

  • Focus on what customers want in this fast growing mobile world.
  • Assure our visitors they are dealing with a reputable business that is a recognised authority in promoting adventure travel.
  • Promote ourselves for our customer’s benefit. We didn’t get to the top of page 1 in Google by hiding ourselves away.

Too often we hear about big businesses squeezing smaller businesses with their financial and advertising power.
No matter how much you spend on advertising, attending events, SEO etc. small businesses can’t compete with big businesses to get to the top of Google. So why try?

But there is a market where big businesses are missing out and it’s where you have an advantage.

A website is not the best place for someone using a mobile phone.
People on the move want things fast, and these are your target customers.
Big businesses can’t react like you can.

A question.  What does someone want to do when they find you?

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They want to contact you and because they have a phone in their hand they most likely want to call you
This is your opportunity.

  • Make contact, build trust
  • Tell them you’ve got what they want
  • Tell them the deal you can offer
  • Make the sale.

If they trust you and like you, they aren’t likely to go through the process again unneccessarily.
Big businesses can rarely do this.

  • Target your customers with a carefully worded advert
  • Include keywords to help search engines find you.
  • Give customers what they want and the easy way to get it.

If you need help to do that we have the skills and resources to help you. I’ll tell you more about how we can help you increase your business when we launch our new site in a few months.

One more question.  Are big businesses putting the squeeze on your business?

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This may be familiar because we’ve asked this question before.

We had an excellent reply from Nick Marshall who owns holiday homes in Cairns, Australia in which he explained the problems he has competing with bigger businesses with deeper pockets.

You can see Nick’s report here together with comments from other small business owners suffering the same problems.

We have taken notice of what Nick and others have said which convinced us to concentrate on promoting small businessess.
In fact, we will restrict adverts to small and medium size businesses although we won’t eliminate Booking Agencies because many small businesses rely on them.

So please take a few minutes to see what other small business owners have told us here. We think you will recognise similar problems and we’d very much like to hear your story.

Keep watching for more details when we launch our new website

Best wishes

Cliff Chapman


I recently received this email from one of our clients with some very sad news.

Hello Cliff

The information is correct although we have sad news. Tyll’s Dive will close down begin may this year.

Our small business could just not survive and compete against new dive businesses with a good money back up.

As of now we have no one interested in buying the name and the permit owner of building is not interested in new tenents, which makes it difficult to sell the business as a whole package.

After we close down we will take a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy the island again, then most likely going back to Denmark for a while and find out what will happen from there and what options we have.

Thank you for your support over the years.

Tyll’s Dive


It’s A Visual World.

Why You Should Use Pinterest For Your Business

The brain  processes pictures 60,000 times faster than it processes text.



FACT:  The life of a Pinterest pin is 1600 times longer than a Facebook post.

FACT:  The average Pinterest user spends 14.2 minutes every time they log in.

FACT:  Pinterest was the fastest growing social network in 2014, growing by a whopping 97 percent!

With numbers like this, you can see what a powerhouse Pinterest has become.

Things you may have heard about Pinterest:

Only women use Pinterest.

Not true any more, but not a bad thing for the travel business. It’s a well known fact that women are more involved than men in planning holidays and often make the final decision.

People only pin pictures about food, fashion, weddings & lifestyle.

Again this isn’t true, but aren’t holidays part of lifestyle anyway.

Your target audience isn’t on Pinterest

Oh yes they are because almost everybody is your target audience.

It’s too time consuming and you don’t have time for another social network.

But shouldn’t you be spending your time on where your customers are looking for what you sell.

If you have a  business to advertise and want to reach out to a whole new audience, then Pinterest must be for you.

Compared with a Facebook Post that might only be seen for a day or two by your Likers, or a Tweet that will flash by in seconds, pictures on Pinterest get pinned and repinned often for months afterwards to an ever increasing audience, because every repin is somebody helping to promote your business.

AND ANOTHER FACT:  80% of all pictures on Pinterest are Repins.

There are thousands of articles on the Internet about Pinterest tips and techniques but it’s very important to know how Pinterest works otherwise you will spend time posting pictures and wondering why nothing is happening.

There are many beginners guides but the one we used and I highly recommend is Melanie Duncan’s excellent program, Power of Pinning, which takes you through the steps to be very successful using Pinterest.

Click on this banner to see how Pinterest can help grow your business.

There’s a full 60 Days Money Back Guarantee with no questions asked so you really have nothing to lose.

Make the most of your pictures to grow your business.

Please leave a reply & tell me what you think, thanks

Best wishes.

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Cliff Chapman


Why Create a Podcast?

For some very compelling reasons including:

  • The proliferation of smartphones
  • All-pervading bluetooth technology in cars and homes
  • And the powerful ability to start a conversation with an audience that’s keen to hear what you have to say or are interested in buying what you are selling.

Listeners can hear you on their morning jog or daily commute, time often spent listening to music, and you have your audience tuned in to what you have to say or promote or sell, even if they only have a few minutes to listen.

Here’s a simple road map for creating a podcast

It can be a bit daunting to get started for the first time which is why the team at Copyblogger have produced this road map for creating a podcast.

Creating great audio content involves many steps and these are the simplest and most effective ways when starting from scratch.

Even if you’re just writing and recording a script and letting someone else do all the production work, this road map will help you appreciate everything that comes together to create a podcast


How a Podcast Is Born [Infographic]

Read more  about why Copyblogger is betting big on podcasting  …

Do you have a blog? If not, why not?

27 Awesome Blogs about Blogging

Written by: Eric Brantner on May 24, 2010 – 7:52 am

Rating: 9.3/10 (3 votes cast)

So, you want to be a better blogger, eh? Well, you can either try to go out there and learn everything on your own, or you can pick up some helpful tips from these 27 awesome blogs about blogging.

I’ve included a short quote from each blog’s about page so you can learn a little more about them.

1. Problogger—”This site is dedicated to helping other bloggers learn the skills of blogging, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium.”

2. Copyblogger—“Copyblogger is all about helping you get traffic, attract links, gain subscribers, and sell stuff!”

3. How to Make My Blog–”I am Marko Saric and I write articles on all things blogging. I am a blogging consultant and I help bloggers with their WordPress blogs, with Thesis Theme, with branding, blog promotion, search engine optimization, and affiliate marketing.”

4. Daily Blog Tips–”Daniel Scocco started developing blogs and websites in 2005, and Daily Blog Tips is the place where he shares what he learned along the way. The blog was nominated under the “Best Web Development Blog” category in the 2007 Weblog Award.”

5. Dosh Dosh—”Dosh Dosh is a blog offering internet marketing and blogging tips, alongside social media strategies. Best consumed by bloggers, entrepreneurs, web publishers, marketers, freelancers and small business owners.”

6. John Paul’s Blog—”I am a Blogger and Internet Entrepreneur and a Kidney Transplant Recipient. I have been making money online for 6 years. This blog is a keep it simple, no BS, how-to on how I can help you become a Blogging Entrepreneur too.”

7. Blog Herald—”The Blog Herald is a premier source of news, information, tips, and commentary on blogs, the blogging industry and bloggers worldwide. It has often been cited by both the mainstream media and bloggers as a reliable source of facts, figures, opinion and trends about blogging.”

8. Successful Blog—”Strategy, ideas, social media, and the business of a successful blog and online presence. Successful Blog is where bloggers meet…”

9. Blogging Pro—”We regularly discuss a wide array of blogging-related topics, from personal blogging, to blog monetization, to the technical aspects of blogging and even other emerging forms of new media.”

10. Blogtrepreneur—”Popular entrepreneur blog for young entrepreneurs and small business owners who demand excellence in business.”

11. Blogsessive—” is the place where you can find blogging tips, WordPress tools and plugins, themes and answers to your blogging related questions.”

12. Lorelle on WordPress—”Helping you learn more about blogging and WordPress every day with help, tips, advice, and techniques for blogging and using WordPress and ”

13. Fuel Your Blogging—”Fuel Your Blogging is here to make you even better. We know, we know, you’re already a kick-butt blogger who knows your stuff. We’re here to make any new blogging stuff even easier to come by.”

14. Thou Shall Blog—”Blogging is all about sharing and learning. This blog serves as a personal journal documenting my journey into blogosphere to discover the unknown and sharing what I learn along the way in the hope that somehow someone will benefit from it.”

15. Blogussion—”Blogging tips and tricks including making money blogging, designing a WordPress blog, search engine optimization and more blogging tips.”

16. Kikolani—”Kikolani is about the art of blogging – blogging tips, social networking strategies, and other useful information to help bloggers become more successful in blogging.”

17. The Blogging Academy—”The Blogging Academy is resource for bloggers and webmasters. We offer unbiased blogging advice and blogging tips on how to get the most from your blog.”

18. Performancing—”Helping bloggers succeed by creating a home for professional bloggers and a place where those new to blogging have a one-stop resource with tutorials, analysis, tips, metrics, plugins, themes, jobs, monetization tools and a community base to share ideas & build strategic relationships.”

19. Build a Better Blog—”Creating A Business Blog: Tips and Tricks from The Blog Squad Denise Wakeman, Business Blog Consulting and Online Marketing Advisor.”

20. Tycoon Blogger—”This blog is a hybrid between a personal blog and blogging tips blog.”

21. Blog About Your Blog—”This blog is a hybrid between a personal blog and blogging tips blog.”

22. Mextena—”Blog Dealing with Blogging Tips, Make Money Online, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media News, Tech Updates and more.”

23. Top Ten Blog Tips—”Top Ten Blog Tips – a simple concept that provides exactly what it says – lists of blogging tips.”

24. Smart Bloggerz—”SmartBloggerz helps people to be a successful blogger and teaches how they can make money online. On this blog, My aim is to provide quality articles in simple to understand way which won’t make you confused while exploring how to be a better blogger.”

25. Bloggers Passion—”I started this blog to share the blogging news and tips, my personal experiences and what you can do and what you should do to become a successful blogger. Blogging is an art and the more you do it, the more you perfect you become.”

26. MyBlog2Day—”How to blog and make money from blogging is not a myth anymore. Here is step by step tutorial teaches you how to blog with success.”

27. BizChickBlogs—”Here, new bloggers and those who seek to improve their blogs can find content to help them start from nothing, and create a blog with readership and community. I enjoy helping women in business launch successful blogs, so if that’s you, please feel right at home!”

Visit traveljunkies – the adventure travel directory & search engine, like google only smaller


How To Make Your Adverts Work Better

“When things are good you should advertise, when things aren’t good you MUST advertise.”

Advertise your website, not your services or products. 

Traffic is the lifeblood of your website, without traffic your site is dead.
If no-one sees it, it might just as well not exist.

  • To attract visitors to your website, advertise your website not your services or products.
  • Your website does your selling so don’t make the mistake of making your adverts a mini version of your website.

[more …]

Include a wide range of keywords and key phrases in your adverts.

  • As well as the keywords for your own business, think wider. Include key words and phrases people might use when they aren’t specifically looking for you.
  • For example, if you provide accommodation, include words for nearby attractions and activities. People searching for tours, scuba diving, sightseeing etc. will often need somewhere to stay so use these kind of keywords in your adverts,

Be friendly, helpful and contactable.

Make it easy for people to get in touch with you. Many adverts fail because they’re not user friendly or don’t tell visitors what to do next.

  • Don’t forget your Call To Action. Tell people what to do.
  • Include your name and contact details and encourage people to contact you.
  • Keep adverts short and to the point as many are read on mobile devices.

Use Social Media to promote your business – it’s free.

  • Always include links to your social media sites in your advertising and emails.
  • Link to Facebook, Twitter, Pinit and Linkedin. These four cover the widest range of prospects.
  • Limit it to four. More than four can look like spamming.
  • Promote your Blog in the same way you advertise your website. Then use your Blog to promote your website.

Make sure they’re mobile friendly

See more –

One more thing …

If your advertising isn’t working, stop doing it. Do something else.
You run your business to make money so find out how, where and when to advertise to get the best value for your money.

Cliff Chapman

Why You Need Travel Insurance …


travel insurance

Are you looking to save money on your travel costs?

Have you thought about cutting down, or even cutting out your travel insurance? Are you looking for cheap travel insurance? Before you do anything else, do yourself a favour and read this.

Why you need travel insurance.

When planning a vacation or business trip, travel insurance is often one of the last things you think about, if at all, yet it’s one of the most important things to ensure your trip is stress free.

You carefully plan your holiday making sure you get exactly what you want and the best deal.
But what if things go wrong? You never know what might happen.

At home you have a pretty good idea how things work, what risks you can take and where to get help when you need it. But when you travel, it’s quite different. Especially if you’re traveling abroad but even when traveling in your own country. You don’t know what kind of unexpected setbacks could affect you and your family while you’re away.

Here’s what to protect yourself against if you’re to have a safe, enjoyable and stress free trip.

1. Things do go missing, get lost or stolen

2. You can have an accident or become ill and need medical attention. And make sure your children are properly covered. It’s very easy for children to have an accident and need medical care.

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3. Your travel arrangements can get changed or cancelled.

4. Travel companies do go out of busines

5. Bad weather can affect your plans. Recent events across the world, floods, storms, cyclones, earthquakes etc have affected thousands of people’s plans resulting in additional travel costs, extra accommodation etc.

6. You may incur legal expenses

7. Things can go wrong back home and you may need to return early

8. Medical attention and dental treatment can cost a lot more abroad than they do at home, especially in the United States.

9. You may need foreign help, with language or legal situations.

10. You may need to change your plans for many different reasons.

11. The world is unstable today with terrorist threats and actions, and countries and regions do become unsafe.

12. Hired equipment such as skis, snowboards, surfboards etc do get broken.

13. Luggage does get damaged or gets lost on flights

14. Family illness etc can prevent you going on holiday or to return early.

15. If you run your own business and can’t return, who will run it for you?

16. And finally, the thing no-one likes to talk about, what happens if you or member of your family is injured or even dies?.

Your travel insurance will give you peace of mind that if anything goes wrong, you have the protection and help you need.

Never travel without it.

Cliff Chapman

Why People Buy From You

Or rather – Why they don’t


It’s mainly because most of the time we’ve got it wrong.

  • Why are Apple so successful
  • Why did the Wright brothers beat the competition for man-powered flight?
  • Why did a quarter of a million people turn up to Martin Luther King’s speech?
  • Why do some things succeed and others fail, and it’s nothing to do with function, features, benefits or price.

There’s one simple explanation. See it here

16 million people have viewed this.

Cliff Chapman