Welcome to the International Humanity Foundation!


Half of IHF’s mission is to educate the poor and the other half is to educate the world about the poor. Our vision is to strive for a world of leaders and citizens who have interacted with, and are truly knowledgeable about the world’s poor. We believe in a “pass it on” philosophy where education is free and available for all who seek it. Those of us who have received a free education pass it on by helping others less fortunate by teaching, interacting and learning. With just a few hours a week, our volunteers, children and sponsors are changing the world we live in.

IHF is a non-religious, non-political, non-profit organization that strongly believes in an equal opportunity for all and in preserving the cultures, traditions and beliefs of the marginalized communities it works in.

Read more about our programs

Which Matters Most To You?

WWF receives the £10,000 donation from HostelBookers. But which cause matters to you most?

The results are in! Out of the British Red Cross, WWF and Oxfam, you voted for WWF to receive our donation of £10,000. Thanks to everyone who participated in support of their favourite cause.

WWF are now giving you the chance to decide which of their projects you are most passionate about. Below, you can read a bit more from WWF about the ways in which it safeguards the natural world, then, return to our Facebook poll and vote for how the £10,000 could be used:

a)      Tackling Climate Change
b)      Promoting forest conservation
c)       Safeguarding endangered species

Voting closes 23.59GMT Sunday 24th July 2011

Read more  . . .  http://blog.hostelbookers.com/travel/eco-travel/charity-donation-wwf/


Do You Want a Cool Facebook Fan Page Username?

If you have one of those long weird Facebook Page or Fan Page names and would rather have a short cool Username that people can remember . . .
For example http://www.facebook.com/traveljunkiesdotcom

It’s really simple! Go here to set yourself up right now.

And here’s the Facebook Help section telling you how to do

Go do it
traveljunkies- worldwide adventure travel & activities directory & search engine. Like Google only smaller.

PS. Here is our traveljunkies Fan Page

Great Marketing Idea In A Free Book …

I found this great idea on making money in a FREE BOOK.
Take a look, it costs you nothing & you don’t even have to sign up.
Download it immediately here . . .   http://bit.ly/fGjMSC

Adventure travel & activities directory & search engine.
Like Google only smaller.

traveljunkies upgrades for even faster performace

www.traveljunkies.com has now moved to a new server to give even better performance.

Already highly rated, www.alexa.com now says . . . “Average Load Time for Traveljunkies.com Very Fast (0.4 Seconds), 96% of sites are slower.”

Thanks to www.mrswebsolutions.com

traveljunkies – worldwide adventure travel & activities directory & search engine, like Google only smaller.


Why you need travel insurance.

When planning a vacation or business trip, travel insurance is often one of the last things you think about, if at all, yet it’s one of the most important things to ensure your trip is stress free.

You carefully plan your holiday making sure you get exactly what you want and the best deal, but what if things go wrong?

This is why you need travel insurance. You never know what might happen.

At home you have a pretty good idea how things work, what risks you can take and where to get help when you need it.

But when you travel, it’s quite different. Especially if you’re traveling abroad but even when traveling in your own country.

You don’t know what kind of unexpected setbacks could affect you and your family while you’re away.

Here are some things you need to protect yourself against if you’re to have a safe, enjoyable and stress free trip.

1.    Things do go missing, get lost or stolen

2.    You can have an accident or become ill and need medical attention.

3.    Your travel arrangements can get cancelled or changed by your tour company

4.    Bad weather can affect your plans. Recent events across the world, floods, storms, cyclones, earthquakes etc have affected thousands of people’s plans resulting in additional travel costs, extra accommodation etc.

5.    Travel companies do go out of business

6.    You may incur legal expenses

7.    Things can go wrong back home and you may need to return

8.    Medical attention, dental treatment etc can cost a lot more abroad than they do at home, especially in the United States.

9.    You may need foreign help, with language or legal situations.

10.   You may need to change your plans for many different reasons.

11.    The world is unstable with terrorist threats and actions, and countries and regions do become unsafe.

12.    Hired equipment such as skis, snowboards, surfboards etc do get broken.

13.     Luggage does get damaged or get lost on flights

14.     Family illness etc can prevent you going on holiday.

15.     If you run your own business and can’t return, who will run it for you?

16.     And finally, the thing no-one likes to talk about, what happens if you or member of your family is injured or even die?.
So your travel insurance will give you peace of mind that if anything goes wrong, you have the protection and help you need.

traveljunkies – adventure travel & activities directory & search engine.
Like Google only smaller.


Embarassing Language Mistakes When Travelling

Part of the fun when visiting foreign lands is trying out the local language. In most places, folks will be delighted that you’re making an effort and will support your halting attempts.

However, some common mistakes often trip you up.

To save you from being accidentally hilarious, here are a few of  most frequent errors …

I’m so pregnant!
You’re sure gonna miss me.
Let’s drink some genitalia!
Condoms for breakfast
Time for a nice, refreshing…errr…

See the full article here . . .

Adventure travel & activities free directory & search engine.
Like Google only smaller.