Better than Google – by Seth Godin

Better than Google
Seth Godin’s Blog – 15 June 2024

I haven’t done a Google search in months.

Perplexity is more powerful, more pleasant and more effective.

Instead of being corrupted by invasive ads, surveillance and sneaky dark patterns, it presents you with a simple, footnoted explanation of exactly what you’re looking for. Asked and answered.

And I like that there’s a pro version that we can pay for. This makes us the customer, not the product.

Most of all, the limited scope of the promise gives AI a chance to shine. ChatGPT often comes across as both arrogant and bumbling, because it promises that it can do everything, all at once. Perplexity is simply a smart search partner without the corrosion that racing for more ad dollars will cause. At least for now.

#Google  #Perplexity  #SethGodin