Are You On Our List?

Since we posted our first Tip a few weeks ago, these businesses have LIKED us and we have LIKED them back. Are you on the list? It’s not too late.

As we all know, traffic is the life blood of our websites and without it our website is dead. And as many tests have shown, Facebook Fan Pages are a great way to generate traffic

So please LIKE us if you haven’t already and we’ll LIKE you back too.

Thank you and let’s continue to LIKE others to help our businesses grow and prosper.

Cliff Chapman

Practical Tips For Small Businesses – Tip #4. Our Most Important And Valuable Tip

My first three tips are all about your Facebook Fan Page.

1.   Why you must have a Facebook Fan Page
2.   How to use it to get more traffic
3.   How to create a Facebook Fan Page if you don’t already have one.

These have been invaluable tips for us and for thousands of other businesses who use the power of Facebook’s 800 miilion subscribers to advertise and promote their business. So why not you.

My next tip, TIP #4 is the most important and valuable tip of all and I make no apologies for pinching it from a company that really knows how to market their products – JUST DO IT!

Looking back, publishing these tips just before the holiday season may not have been the best choice when you have so many other things to do, but we are now starting a New Year and what better time to take a fresh approach to marketing and promoting your business.
So, as the man says – JUST DO IT!

I believe 2012 will be the year when Social Networking and especially Facebook takes off in a big way for small businesses worldwide, so don’t be left behind. Don’t wait until everything is perfect or the time seems right because you’ll never get started, just get on and DO IT NOW!
Do it yourself or give it to one of your team if you’re lucky enough to have someone, but DO IT!   Nothing will change until you do.

Spend a few minutes going back over our first three tips which you’ll find on our Facebook Page then sit down with a cup of coffee and write down your plan.  And remember a plan isn’t a plan unless it has dates.

LIKE our Facebook Page at and post your Facebook Page so we can LIKE you back. That way our fans will see your Fan Page and so will their fans. That’s what Viral Marketing is all about and that’s what drives traffic.    

Best wishes for a great New Year

Cliff Chapman

PS . . .   Always post your business comments from your Fan Page, not your Profile.

How to Travel Independently





You might be new to traveling or you’ve traveled before but want to get more from your trips. Or perhaps you want to travel independently but don’t know where to start.

A great way to go is with just a pack on your back, no real plan and pretty open minded about where you’re going.
Here’s some advice on how to make the most of your adventure . . .

#1: Gather Information
#2: Draw Up a Rough Itinerary
#3: Make Some Bookings
#4: Get Traveling
#5: Stay Positive, Flexible and Open-Minded

Read the full article here

Cliff Chapman
Adventure travel & activities directory & search engine.
Like Google only smaller.

Breaching the Great Wall Of China


by Rob Lilwall and Leon McCarron

Dear Friends

We crossed the border from Mongolia into China three weeks ago . . .
Read more

One of the major reasons we are doing this walk is to raise money for the children’s charity Viva, which does amazing work for children around the world. We are delighted to have now raised over US$17,000

Cliff Chapman
Adventure travel & activities directory & search engine.
Like Google only smaller.