Advertising is Expensive

Advertising can seem incredibly expensive, especially for small businesses working with tight budgets, so what’s behind these high costs?

For one, advertising platforms like TV, radio, and digital media have a wide reach which means premium pricing. The more people you want to reach, the more you pay, and high demand for advertising slots, especially during peak times or events, pushes prices even higher.
And professional magazines have high production costs and pay high prices for top quality designers and marketers to produce high quality adverts.

But small businesses needn’t feel overwhelmed.

Most important is to ensure your messages reach the right people. Focus on your target market to avoid unnecessary costs and don’t waste money trying to be everything to everybody.
Established methods such as partnering with local businesses, posting newsletters and advertising in local publications still work well for many small businesses, and referrals continue to be the most effective way of getting new customers.

But it’s clear by now that the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has dramatically changed the game.

Digital advertising offers budget-friendly options with measurable results that can easily be tracked. Social media platforms enable you to do your own marketing and advertising to your your preferred audience and control what you spend to reach them.
But now, with the ever increasing capabilities of AI, it’s not beyond many small businesses to create their own adverts suitable for the most popular social media channels.
Even if you think this is outside your capabilities or that it will take your valuable time away from running your business, there is an ever increasing list of entrepreneurs setting up small businesses offering to help. Just be careful who you choose and what you commit to.

As things change it’s vital to keep up with what works for you without chasing the flood of shiny new objects that will inevitably hit your inbox.
Make use of free trials if you have the time but make sure that at the end of the trial you’re not automatically converted into a monthly paid membership. If this happens, quickly unsubscribe.

Let me tell you a little bit about us.

We are Traveljunkies, a small, family run marketing agency, where we display small 3 line adverts, for free, in our online directory. Remember the free Yellow Pages book? It’s a bit like that.
Yes, it’s completely free for and it’s for as long as you want.

So, if you are the owner or manager of a small travel, tourism or hospitality business and you’d like to know more, please head over to to see how it works and what’s in it for you.

I look forward to welcoming you to Traveljunkies.

Cliff Chapman

# advertising  #marketing  #expensive  #free  #traveljunkies


Travel Junkies seeking eco-friendly & sustainable adventures & accommodation.